Thursday, 23 June 2016

MOVIE REVIEW : The Imitation Game

Holla ~

THE IMITATION GAME - one of the mind-blowing movies that I had watched last week.

I learnt lots of new things from this movie.


Yasss, enigma is one of them.

Before this, I had no idea about what enigma is actually about. Now, I do really amazed on how people can break the codes of enigma. It is so cool, definitely cool!

I don't want to tell the summary of the movie because I am not willing to give the spoiler. For everyone who still don't watch this movie, you MUST watch it. Seriously.

I do like this movie because of the persistence of the main character - Alan Turing - who had been bullied in his secondary and been rescued by a friend named Christopher. Since then, they had been good friends until one day after a long break, Christopher didn't come back to school. Alan got the news that Christopher was dead, leaving him scarred. Christopher was the one who introduced ciphers and codes to Alan as he had once said that Alan would be good in those things. After he grew up, he had became an introvert yet very intelligent. He offered himself to work for breaking the enigma. He built a machine to break the enigma and named it after Christopher. Everybody thought that he was insane but because of his undeniable effort, he finally succeed.

What makes me a bit disappointed about the main character is when he admitted that he was a gay. That is why he was really desolated when Christopher died, as he had fallen in love with Christopher before that. It is too sad that he was actually dead for committing suicide. His creation is now known as computers.

All over all, I do rate this movie 4.5 over 5 stars! Enjoyed watching as I had learnt lots from it :")


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