Thursday 24 November 2016


Let's learn new words today!

1) Prodigy (noun) - extremely talented person, especially a child
"My sister is a tennis prodigy rivaling her friends"

2) Realm (noun) - a subject or area in which an individual has curiosity, experience, or knowledge
"Because Donald is not familiar with the realm of politics, he should not run for national office"

3) Juggernaut (noun) - a large item that is seen as unstoppable and can destroy anything in its way
"The fact George is undefeated in political elections makes him a juggernaut"

4) Browbeat (verb) - to bully in an intimidating way
"Daniel browbeats his girlfriend, threatening to call the police."

5) Ajar (adjective) - slightly open
"She left her bedroom door ajar, so I figured it was safe to enter"

That's all. Thankyou :)


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